Trauma Porn to Title IX: Gender Based Violence at Penn

**This website contains content related to sexual violence that may be triggering**

Seek out resources if they would be helpful for you!


A list of terms as defined by the class in order to inform information presented on the website.

Locust Walk: Mapping & Analysis

A class project to dig into the geography of sexual violence at Penn and elements of a 1990 Report which called for Penn to reallocate resources and spaces on Locust Walk.

Archival Material into Art

Archival Material from the University of Pennsylvania in relation to sexual violence transformed into collages.


Each students’ final project, varying in subject and form. Full list on the linked page.

Media Presentations

Various student presentations on sources of media that depict IPV.


A list of readings (both mandatory and optional) that informed this class.

About Us

This page is sporadically checked by the creators of the course. If you would like to get in contact with us, email the GSWS Program at the University of Pennsylvania at gsws-fqt[at]

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